Former Wallaby shares glowing endorsement for new Rugby Australia boss

With Hamish McLennan stepping away from the top job at Rugby Australia, former Wallaby Greg Martin has shared a glowing endorsement for new chairman Daniel Herbert.
Undoubtedly, Australian rugby is facing a crisis. Eddie Jones, the Wallabies’ coach, resigned a few weeks after his team was unable to advance past the quarterfinals of the Rugby World Cup.
The Sydney Roosters, an NRL team, are also interested in Mark Nawaqanitawase. The Wallabies winger met with the Tricolours in Sydney last week, according to reports. And that’s not all.
Six unions, led by Queensland, sent a public letter to McLennan and Rugby Australia requesting the resignation of the chairman. McLennan first turned him down.
“This will be the turning point in the rugby battle.” All that matters is money and power, and we have been failing at this for years. According to McLennan, “We live in interesting times,” The Sydney Morning Herald.
“This is about principles. They are actually not putting the game first and it’s about self-interest and parochialism.”
However, all of that came to an end earlier this week when McLennan was replaced in the Rugby Australia hotseat by Wallaby Daniel Herbert, the winner of the Rugby World Cup.
Although it will take time to determine whether or not RA made the correct decision, former Wallaby Greg Martin had nothing but nice things to say about the “very positive” development.
“We have to discuss Australian rugby,” Martin stated on Triple M Breakfast in Brisbane.God, it’s occurred at last.
“The manager, Hamish McLennan, is a haughty, conceited fool who declared, ‘I’m not stepping down. What kind of an example would that set for my children?'”
With the exception of New South Wales, where they are repugnant cockroaches, all Australian unions believe they are in charge of everything.